Thursday, August 6, 2009


Astounded by thy glory, captive to thy beauty ;

Murdered by thy radiance, bewitched by thy eyes ;

Sedated by thy lips, Enriched by thy laughter ;

Reborn in thy brilliance, reloved in thy love ;

Nourished by thy presence, diminished by thy absence ;

Saddened by thy sorrow, Joyed by thy beatitude ;

Rejuvenated by thy voice, rekindled by thy fire ;

To my disparaged soul thy life, brings life ;

To my tethered world, thy feathers bring flight ;

To my death, thy blood brings breath ;

Thee be given by Lord, to me and my tattered strife ;

Thee be given by Lord, to bring this dying soul to life......

Saturday, August 1, 2009


Afflicted beyond Redemption,
Ruined beyond Perdition,
Broken beyond Dilapidation,
Forsaken beyond Condemnation,
Frightened beyond Trepidation,
Profane beyond Abnegation,
Heinous beyond Abomination,
Cursed beyond Benediction,
Impaired beyond Claudication,
Mocked beyond Derogation,
Tethered beyond Emancipation,
Faded beyond Illusion,
Coward beyond Elusion,
Scorned beyond Persecution,
False beyond Pretension,
Athirst beyond Satiation,
Vandalized beyond Transgression,
Indicted beyond Vindication,
Animalistic beyond Humanization,
Inanimate beyond Incarnation.......