Tuesday, November 30, 2010


Divine at thine feet, living at thy behest,
Them within, the arcane prowess, love to bequest;

Shall live, to thy east, the rising, the longing,
Forsaken by the ages on the dial, denial of any belonging;

Come, come unto me, with redemption I stand,
In lieu of atonement, shall bequeath every living strand;

Die shan’t, die not at thy lament,
Die shall I, to that beckoning scent;

Come, come unto me, to the light we shall travel,
A promenade so prolix, laden within me some gravel;

When the Sun shall set, swaying to a Nocturne’s tune,
Overture, that harmony, to glory from a mere lune;

Come, come unto me, for this is the dusk of my sanity,
Bequeathal of nothing more, but my amity………

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