Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Ode to someone so far......

A soul so close but a face so far,
A love so deep and hatred a scar;

I love you with my blood, soul, and life,
You are so close in my every strife;

Stay next to me so that I may survive,
And from the forsaken world a little smile I may derive;

From the passion to the calm,
To my charred heart you are God's alm;

Never can I see the distance without you,
Never could my existence be good and new;

All I need is your love for eternity,
All I could give you is my love for your divinity.

Saturday, April 11, 2009


I touched around, four walls, no doors, no windows, was dark, I felt smothered and trapped, as if I was unwanted, detested. I wondered how I made it in there, someone said, I was born in it. I asked, “What about others, are there others like me?” He said, “Yes, there are many, more than you could count”, I asked back, “Are you one of them?” the voice said, “Yes I am. Just the room adjacent to yours”. Couldn’t stop from asking, “How are we alive without light, air, food, water”? He said, “The light is in you, we eat, breathe and drink it, we call it HOPE”. I sat down silently, hoping to make it out of there someday.

Thursday, April 2, 2009


Hail, hail the touch, the belligerent desire......The burgeoning want....want of love....Thy love.....beckoning my the dark...
Those prying eyes.....never have they seen light....light of thy halo....A bright.....bathing in it....I break the incarceration by my demons.... deeper than death could true....but no more true than you....You....behind shadows of my lurking lust for pain....thy hand.....caressing me.....for life so bold....Life....ostracized....without you....You....Only You.....